What famous expression is this? Can you count the number of black dots in the image below? What do you see?
Science Evolved
Coronavirus vs COVID-19 Coronaviruses are actually a group of viruses that cause respiratory infection. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a member of this …
A sudden impact can cause your brain to bounce back and forth within your skull. This squishing of your brain disrupts the …
Life on Earth depends completely on the conversion of sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. During this process, plants emit back certain frequencies …
How does that tasty cup of coffee or tea wake you up in the morning? The tea and coffee industries make up …
The oldest recipe in the world that we know of is not for food, but how to make beer. Archeologists uncovered two …
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft has an ETOPS (extended operations) rating of five and a half hours. This means that if one …
The smallest and the innermost planet of our solar system is called Mercury. This crater riddled rocky body is one of four …
Whoooo, you’re getting woozy after that fourth pint and thinking, “I should stop drinking before I kill more of my brain cells”. …
The fifth and largest of the planets in our Solar System, is Jupiter. This gas giant has no surface and is entirely …