For decades prior to B.o.B, aka Bobby Ray, (he actually thinks the world is flat though… seriously) singing about his love for …
Man’s best friend (Canis lupus familiaris) are decedents from Canis lupus or more commonly known as wolfs. Although puppies come in all …
You’re dragging yourself out of bed as the morning alarm shakes you awake. Have no fear, there is a cure for your …
Your Anus, oh my… so sorry, not an attempt at a childish joke, it was actually that darn auto correct… The seventh …
The fifth and largest of the planets in our Solar System, is Jupiter. This gas giant has no surface and is entirely …
Fever is a complex physiological response that occurs in the body when it is fighting an infection or inflammation. It is defined …
Sadly there has been a lot of misinformation on the internet about this virus. When it comes to the coronavirus (COVID-19), you …
The farthest known planet from the Sun is Neptune. Neptune, alongside Uranus is one of the ice giants. It’s atmosphere is primarily …
Even though everything with Pumbaa is gas, he was right about stars being “balls of gas burning billions of miles away”. Our …
Also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, the Spanish flu was an extremely deadly influenza outbreak. It infected more than a third …